February 23, 2025

A link shortener is a service that converts long URLs into shorter versions that are easier to share on social media. It works by mapping the original long URL into a unique short URL with a unique identifier, which is stored in its database. When someone clicks on the short link, it automatically redirects to the original long URL. It’s a simple process, but the results are powerful.

Almost every major social network has its own URL shortener. Twitter, for example, puts a focus on sharing links through its 140-character limit, and offers users the option to use a custom URL shortener. Other social platforms such as Google+ and Facebook also support shortening links to make them easier to share.

The best link shortener tools are easy to use and offer customizable features for businesses and individuals. Many provide advanced analytics, phishing and fraud protection, and privacy settings. Some also integrate blockchain technologies for added transparency.

Whether you want to create a custom URL or simply shorten your links, there are plenty of free and affordable options to choose from. Some of the most popular include Bitly, TinyURL and Rebrandly, which focuses on branding and marketing to keep links looking professional in printed ads, documents, or text messages. It also lets you personalize your shortened links with a few words, including a customized custom domain. This makes them more memorable to your target audience and can help them better understand the content they’re going to visit. link shortener

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