February 23, 2025

The postpartum period is a time of healing and adjustment to new motherhood. It’s important to keep up with your doctor’s appointments, as they can help ensure you’re recovering well.

Some complications that can arise during or after delivery include:

Diastasis recti

During pregnancy, the muscles of your abs stretch to make room for your growing baby. In some cases, this stretching can cause a separation between the two long muscles that run down the front of your abdomen. This condition is known as diastasis recti. It is common in pregnancy and can persist after birth. Fortunately, it can be treated with postpartum physical therapy.

Diastasis recti may develop during any trimester of pregnancy, but it is most likely to happen in the second or third trimester when the fetus grows fastest. Exercise can help prevent DRA, but it’s important to check with your doctor or physical therapist before starting an abdominal exercise program. They can recommend safe exercises for you and your unique body.

To test for DRA, lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place your fingers into the space between your abdominal muscles, about halfway up your stomach. Feel for a gap that is more than two finger-widths wide, as well as pressure of your abdominal muscles against your fingers.

Most new mothers find that the gap in their abs closes within three to six months. However, in some women the muscle walls remain separated and this can lead to a “mommy tummy.” A professional physiotherapist can assess the severity of your diastasis and guide you on the best treatment options.

Pelvic floor dysfunction

Pelvic floor muscles stretch like a hammock from the pubic bone to the tailbone and support your bladder, bowel, and uterus. They are also important for sexual function. Pregnancy and childbirth can weaken these muscles. This can cause problems such as urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction (ED).

Women who deliver vaginally are more likely to develop pelvic floor issues than those who delivered by cesarean section, but both can experience them to some degree. These issues can include urine leakage after peeing or having to run to the bathroom too often, as well as a feeling that something is always “sliding around” inside the vagina. Pelvic organ prolapse, a condition that causes a protrusion of the bladder or uterus into the vagina, can also be bothersome.

It’s important for women to get a full assessment of their pelvic floor muscles after giving birth. This can be done during a routine gynecological checkup at about six weeks after delivery. During the evaluation, your doctor will want to know whether you have had a vaginal or cesarean delivery and what kind of pelvic pain you’re experiencing. They’ll also ask you to squeeze your muscles. This will show your doctor how strong or weak they are. The results will help them determine the best treatment for your specific condition. They may recommend pelvic muscle rehabilitation, which consists of exercises and other strategies to strengthen your muscles.


Many women feel embarrassed about urinary incontinence or fecal incontinence after childbirth, but it is a very common condition that responds well to noninvasive treatments. During pregnancy, hormones stretch the muscles and tissues that support the bladder, bowel and uterus. This group of muscles is called the pelvic floor. When these muscles are stretched, they may become weak and can leak urine or stool. If you are experiencing these symptoms, talk to your doctor or a women’s health nurse. They can refer you to a pelvic floor physiotherapist, who can provide a range of treatment options.

The type of incontinence that you have can affect your quality of life. Urinary incontinence can range from a small leak of urine to the involuntary loss of all of your bladder control. Some women experience a feeling of urgency to empty their bladder, while others have trouble getting to the toilet in time and leak urine before they get there.

Some types of incontinence can also be treated with kegel exercises, which are performed by squeezing and holding the muscles that you would use to stop a flow of urine or pass gas. This helps to strengthen these muscles. If these first-line treatments do not work, other options include pelvic floor physical therapy, electrical stimulation to improve muscle contraction, a pessary and surgery.


Postpartum pain is a normal part of the recovery process, especially anywhere you held a lot of tension during labor. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and ibuprofen can both help reduce the discomfort. Your care provider may also recommend a topical anesthetic to apply to the site. Fatigue is another common postpartum symptom, but it can be eased by getting plenty of rest and eating healthy meals that are high in protein and fluids. It can also help to ask for and accept help from friends and family during this time. Having someone to run errands, cook meals and clean the house can free up more of your energy.

If you had a C-section, the incision site may hurt when you cough or laugh. It can also be uncomfortable to move, sit or stand for long periods of time because it is still healing. You may also have a sensitive hemorrhoid or heal-ing episiotomy that can cause pain when you try to have a bowel movement.

You may experience some bleeding after delivery that lasts up to six weeks. This is called lochia and is a mixture of leftover blood, tissue from the uterus and mucus. It can feel like a heavy period and is nothing to be concerned about. Women who deliver with genital tract lacerations, such as those from an episiotomy or spontaneous perineal lacerations, report increased sexual discomfort postpartum than women who deliver without these injuries. 产后 修复

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